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Press release: Bokenäs Hotell & Konferens AB has new owners.
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Day conference

Bokenäset has what is required from a conference facility to have a successful conference. With its incredible view and surrounding nature, the stay will be a memorable experience. At a day conference you can enjoy arrival coffee, lunch and afternoon coffee. We arrange coffee breaks in cozy Fröken Esters and lunch in our Restaurant Västersalt, which offers table service and a sea view for a total dining experience.

If you wish, there is an opportunity to have the entire facility to yourself and take part in everything Bokenäset has to offer. In this way, you can meet in joint meetings and activities and at the same time feel that you are free to express what you want without outside interference. We are close to Gothenburg and at the same time separated from civilization so that you can let go of any everyday worries and focus wholeheartedly on goals and tasks. The satisfying atmosphere invites productive and creative conversations and there is room for everyone to find their own place.

Our conference rooms and meeting rooms can be adapted and prepared according to your needs and we make sure that you can work efficiently with minimal disruption.

General information about the package

  • Conference room adapted to the group
  • Fresh fruit, coffee and water next to the premises throughout the day
  • Arrival coffee in Miss Esters Skafferi
  • Lunch in restaurant Västersalt with salad buffet, main course, coffee & cake
  • Afternoon coffee in Miss Esters Skafferi

West coast environment with flavor from the sea

Bohuslän's west coast is unique and beautiful, and that is exactly why you should book your day conference with us. Although we are close to Gothenburg, we are located in a secluded place with tones from nature and flavors from the salty sea, which in combination form the basis of the overall experience.

Gathering in such an environment creates new conditions for your business and we are convinced that knots can be resolved and ideas flourish after a conference at Bokenäset's conference grounds.

Take with you a sense of well-being and peace of mind when you leave here and of course come back again, when you have new knots and frictions to resolve and overcome. We believe that our idea and that you, in privacy and without disturbing factors, can take the company's community to a new level and thus also production and development.

Welcome to the day conference at Boknäset!