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Cycle outside in nature with friends, colleagues or family.

Cycling around our surroundings is guaranteed to be a wonderful experience. At the hotel, there are 8 Citybikes ready for you to rent if you want to enjoy nature, the environment and take a stop exactly where you feel like it. The close-to-nature surroundings around Bokenäset have varied and fantastic nature. We find deciduous forests, meadows, dirt roads and fjord beaches by the water. Varied and beautiful!

We rent the bikes for 3 hours (SEK 200). Contact us for more information! alternatively on 0522-60 44 00

Mountain bike – For groups
No previous knowledge required

Anyone who can ride a bike, and has the desire, can join a mountain bike ride. If you want to book a mountain bike tour for a group, contact us. It is not a competition but a nice excursion. We cycle slowly and calmly, and whoever is last keeps the speed. Although it is an activity that requires no prior knowledge and can be done wholeheartedly by beginners, it is an activity that is quite physical and requires energy.
Minimum 8 people, booked in collaboration with one of our activity partners. Let us know how big your group is and we will arrange an activity for you!